A 5 Step Reset to Achieve Your Dreams | Raven Harris


Have you ever paused in order to speed up? 

How often do you hit reset in order to work towards your dreams? 

Our guest this week is Raven Harris, Founder and CEO of Activate the Dream. Raven is in the business of leadership solutions, and she joins the podcast to help you take concrete steps towards identifying and achieving your personal and professional goals. 

She talks us through: 

  • The 5 steps to reset and achieve more 

  • How to figure out your dreams (and what to do next) 

  • The secret of “what gets scheduled gets done” 

Raven’s advice is practical… and quotable! Listen in as she also shares: 

  • What is missing from the leadership space today 

  • Why AQ is a better indicator of leadership than IQ 

  • And the critical importance of staying “cool, calm, and connected” in a crisis 

Don’t miss this episode. Click to listen now!

Mentioned in this episode:


Raven Harris: Be intentional about what you do daily so you can have an extraordinary life.

Voiceover: You’re listening to the Vibrant Leadership podcast with leadership speaker and consultant Nicole Greer.

Nicole Greer: Welcome everybody to the Vibrant Leadership podcast. My name is Nicole Greer and I am the vibrant coach. And today on the show today, I have none other than Raven Harris. I am so delighted to have her here today. Let me tell you a little bit about her. She is the founder and CEO of Activate the Dream. So if you’ve got a dream, she can help you don’t miss that. It’s a leadership solutions company and she works with people and organizations to enhance and elevate their leadership skills of both new and emerging leaders. 

And through her coaching experience, she equips high achievers with the techniques and tools to achieve both personal and professional success. Raven’s goal is to help young professionals attach a reality to their dreams so they can thrive and not just survive. So please help me in welcoming Raven Harris. Raven, I’m so glad you’re here today. We’re going to have a good time.

Raven: We are going to have a wonderful time. Thank you, Nicole for having me.

Nicole: Yeah, it’s absolutely great. And so you have a podcast of your own right. So tell them the name of it. And then everybody go over and like you know, click on subscribe. What’s the name of your podcast?

Raven: Thank you so much for asking. It’s Reset with Raven.

Nicole: Okay, fantastic. All right. So I love that. Alright, so the first question we always ask Raven is what is your definition of leadership?

Raven: I define leadership as impact and influence to make everyone else around you better.

Nicole: Okay, I love that definition. I love that definition. Because it’s absolutely true. It’s it’s just this idea of making people feel good. So that they can go up the feeling scale and the productivity starts to happen. Right. That’s fantastic. So I’m curious about this reset that you talk about. Will you tell us about your own reset story?

Raven: Yes, I like to look at resetting as the practice of pausing to be able to speed up. I am very fortunate enough to have had nearly a decade in healthcare administration, as a career plan and as a career path. And this past year 2020 really made a lot of things come into reflection for me. At the time this a year ago, I was the interim CEO of an ltach, which stands for long term acute care hospital, or commonly known as critical illness recovery hospital. And a lot of our patients are terminal. 

And we’re seeing so much death, sadness, fear, chaos, uncertainty, it really made me start to think about, hey, is this the life you dreamed of? And you will one day be in one of these hospital beds? Is this the life that you know that your call to be living? Is that are you living out your calling, and because I am a lifelong learner. And I feel like I’m always up for a challenge. I’ve made numerous resets in my career, in my life, and moving in different geographical locations, taking on new challenges in roles and careers. So I’ve reset and numerous times. And 2020 happens to be one of the biggest resets of my personal and professional life where I was reminded of my own mortality.

With so much going on in the world, of course, with the pandemic, as well as seeing as a frontline employee seeing all that was going on. And it made me think you know, what, it’s time for you to pause and think about what’s your next. What are your dreams? And are you living out your dreams, and I knew, I heard a clear no. Clear no that there was something bigger, there was something different, there was something more. So I knew that I needed to have my own reset at the end of 2020.

Nicole: I love that. I love that. So, first of all, Raven just said two things that are very important. And you know, I always tell you people to write things down, you’re probably on a treadmill or driving your car. But anyways, the two things that we need to think about is she said, you know, leadership skill number one reflection, and she said I’ve always been a lifelong learner. I mean, we’ve talked about this on the podcast before but I think it’s so imperative to be a lifelong learner. 

So don’t miss it. And if you’re watching the video of this, you probably think she was the CEO? She is so young and beautiful. How could she have already been a CEO? But, you know, pay attention. This gal knows what she’s talking about in terms of leadership. Now, when you talked about your reset, and kind of took away these things. There’s a pause. Thinking about what’s next. Are you living your dreams? And then how do you figure out your dream? So when you know you’re a coach, just like I am, is that correct? I’ve got that right don’t I?

Raven: That is correct. 

Nicole: Okay. All right. Well, tell me how do people figure out their dreams? Because I don’t know about you, Raven. But one of the things I’ll ask people is I’ll say, well, what do you really want? And they go, I don’t know. And so how do we move people past I don’t know, to knowing? What what are some things we can do to help people figure out what they really want?

Raven: That common clarity question, the what. I, you know, I believe that our dreams are something that has always been inside of us. It’s something that typically started in our formative years. And when we were younger, however, we suppress them, because some of them seem like, oh, well, me, that’s too big, or that’s impossible, or, oh, that’s wow, that’s crazy. I could never do that. And if people remove the restraints, the walls they have up in their mind of what’s possible. 

I think we know our dreams. But our dreams sometimes are so big, so massive, that it’s like, well, how do I get there? And what I work with young professionals on is really journaling. Journaling, I feel like there’s, there’s no answers in the chaos. So taking time for that dedicated quiet time. This is a daily habit that I think is super important. Daily, quiet time to really think. Really just let your thoughts you know, come in, come out and see what patterns as you’re journaling, what patterns continue to come up. And for people that are like, well, I don’t know, I don’t know. I think if journaling daily, you’ll start to see patterns. 

And maybe one of the things that I’m working with a client right now on is because they’re like, well, I’m just so confused. I’m so confused. At the end of the day, very simple, simple activity. Write down, what were your highlights for the day. No matter how small you know, what my highlight was picking my kids up from school. My highlight was watching this really great movie. And then also to taking it a step deeper. Why? What did you enjoy about it? What did you enjoy about the movie? 

And I think oftentimes, we don’t go enough. We don’t go deep enough of why? Well, why was this enjoyable? Or why was this movie enjoyable. Why does this give me fire, vigor? Why does this just like really make my make my soul rush? And it’s really that self awareness? I think that is super important. When you’re trying to figure out what what am I here for? What makes me feel alive?

Nicole: Yeah, I think all of that you just downloaded some serious genius, folks. So I always like to recap Raven. Oh, so I’ll just warn you right now. So first of all, she said one of the one of the necessary leadership skills is journaling. Right? And then she said, look for patterns in your journaling. And then she said, you know, look, what gives you, oh I love this language she used. A soul rush, right? So like, the deep inside of you, something came alive, right? So I think that’s, and that’s what Nicole Greer calls a vibrant life. 

Like, when you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. You’re living a vibrant life. As she said, that’s what helped you do self awareness, which is the s in my coaching methodology. So that’s fantastic. Okay, I absolutely love everything that you just said. That’s beautiful. All right. So when you think about getting people to do a reset, you know, how do you take them through the process of doing the reset? So you’re saying on your own do journaling? But what else do leaders need to do to kind of get through that reset process? 

Raven: Another thing that we do is a skill set inventory? What are you already great at? And this is something that I found we have to be very intentional about because there are skill sets, or gifts that people have that because it comes so naturally to them, they overlook it. And that was a part of my reset as well. For example, I am a natural affirmer, encourager, uplifter. When I come into an environment, we’re gonna have a great time. Like I want to and also to, especially in healthcare, we had I always think about people are often if they’re in the hospital, they’re already at their worst, they don’t want to be there. 

So how can we make this environment as soothing as enjoyable as possible. Almost like an oxymoron and enjoyable hospital. I was like, no, we’re gonna make this as great of experience for not only our team members, but the patients as well as their family members as possible. So I am because I’m naturally encouraging uplifting, I didn’t even see that as a leadership skill. So that’s just who I am. That’s part of who I am. And act in hindsight and after reflection, when I think one of the reasons I was very fortunate enough to be able to promote quickly in my career path is that teams and, and team members really gravitated towards that. They were like, you know what, I know that if I work on Raven’s team, we’re gonna have a great time, and we’re going to do excellent work that we’re going to enjoy, it’s not going to be a stuffy environment. 

And I know that she always has my back. She’s always gonna make sure that I’m taken care of, and that not only because I believe when you feel good, you can do good work. So I make sure that the team members feel good. So for me, I recognized in my own leadership, experience and career that was something that I did without even knowing it. And I overlooked it for years, because that was just who I am. So finding the I think that’s my superpower. Superpower, pulling out the greatness and others and helping them see that as well. So the skill set inventory is huge to that reset. Another thing too, is the vision. Right? Where do you want to go? I’m sure, you know, our listeners have heard, you know, if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will lead you there. 

And one of the key components of my program that I work with clients on is creating a strong vision statement. And we always go back to the vision when you’re having roadblocks when you’re having obstacles. When you’re having doubt. When if you have a day where you feel like I just you know I missed the mark for that, go back to the vision, go back to the vision, everything keys off the vision. And then a plan. What is our plan and put some dates on this. Hard dates. And granted you know, the date is an aim. You may miss it by a week or so. But if I believe that what gets planned and putting a date in place, what gets scheduled gets done. And then that’s the planning the strategy and then the execution on it. 

And I’m your strategic partner, as well as uplifter, encourager and afirmer throughout that reset process because it’s a process. It’s a journey, really to undergo a reset. And I think another big thing, when it comes to resetting it’s a process of unlearning. While it’s learning new skill sets, learning to own your power learning to be more self aware, it’s also too unlearning some of the things that were negative habits. Unlearning what you’ve heard from naysayers or negative self chatter, you know, really clearing your mind. You know what, that’s not truth, that that may have been someone else’s experience, but that’s not the truth or my truth. So that’s the process that I take people through. 

Nicole: I love it. I love it. Okay, so don’t miss this. Let’s go back through it so you don’t miss a lick. Right? So she said, the first thing that we have to do is we have to do reflection, then we do a skill set inventory. So you gotta you gotta go to her website, make an inquiry, maybe she’ll send you something or whatever, you could talk to her about it. So tell us your website real quick, in case we wants to jot that down.

Raven: Activatethedream.com.

Nicole: Oh, and I love that name of your website, activatethedream.com. Alright, so we do a skill sets inventory. And I love what you said. It’s kind of like people have potential and they’re using it, but because they’re they’re not aware of it. It’s still like, there’s so much untapped potential there. So I love that and don’t miss what she said. She said, If you make your people feel good, they do good. That’s tweetable you might want to tweet that out and put Raven Harris next to that. Hashtag Raven. And and then she said, the next thing we do is a vision. Right? So what’s the big picture and then a plan and then have some hard dates, right? 

So you got something solid to be working towards. Alright, so that is how you do a reset. I love it. I absolutely love it. Oh, and one more thing, she said unlearning. So letting go the things that aren’t serving you anymore and learning the new things that you need to do in order to get where you want to go. All right, absolutely beautiful. Right. So I have a next question for you. And my question is, what do you feel is currently missing from the leadership space? So leadership, you know, it has absolutely blown up. There’s all sorts of different styles that people talk about and the things that leaders can do. IE, that’s why we have the Vibrant Leadership podcast. So what do you think is missing out there Raven?

Raven: One of the reasons that it is my, I have a heart for working with young professionals is because I believe, in a multi generational workforce that some of the young and new and emerging leaders get a bad rap. I’m a millennial. And I think that millennials often are not given the the credit that they should be have. So when I say that, I think that one of the things that I love about these newer Gen Z millennial generations is that creativity. That that innovation, that questioning. But why? But what does it look like if we do this? Or I’m interested in that? Or have you ever tried that? And I really want to see more embracing of new thought. Embracing of, hey, let’s try this a different way. And that exploration, and that innovation and that creativity. So I think that that is something our entire workforce can really grow and be uplifted from is really embracing the younger generations.

Nicole: Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. And I am I missed. I missed being a baby boomer by one year. So I’m really excited to tell everybody you know that I’m an X. Because, you know, I’m still young and hip that way. So, you know, I go places, and people who are like me over 50, they throw the millennials under the bus. And I am the voice of reason all the time. Because I’m like, well, first of all, I have two millennials. I gave birth to two of them hello. And they turned out pretty good. I mean, if Raven was my daughter, I would be so stinking proud, which I know your parents are so proud of you. 

So it’s this thing of like, every generation has its thing. I mean, we I was like an 80s girl. I mean, we had our things we were doing that nobody thought was right. So every generation has that. But you know, at the point where they enter the workforce, and they have these really great skills that we’re discounting, like you said, new thought, innovation, creativity, oh my gosh, that is what we need today. That’s the missing piece. We got, you know the thing. This is the way we’ve always done it. 

That will kill a millennial in a second, right. Just that statement, and then they’re out. And they talk about disengagement in the workplace. That’s when it happens when it when a person my age says, well, that’s the way we’ve always done it. And it works just fine. We’re not going to reinvent the wheel. And it’s like, I don’t know, I got a wheel that’ll go a lot faster. Right. 

Raven: I agree. 

Nicole: All right. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Okay, so I’ve got another question for you. All right. So here, here’s what I want to ask you. When you think about successful leaders you’ve worked with, you know, you talked about skill sets. But what are the most important skills like if somebody wanted to, you know, look at this huge skill sets list, but they wanted to hone it down and maybe find a skill set to work on? What would you advise people. What what would be the skill sets they really need to master? I’m talking mastery.

Raven: Effective, clear communication, is what stands out. I lived in Houston during Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Harvey was a category five hurricane. So our entire city is inundated with water for five days straight. And people are losing power. We can’t get nurses and physicians into hospitals, being able to communicate knowing how to put your emergency preparedness disaster management, phone trees. 

I mean, when I tell you all different types of communication were used when this was going on. Things that I didn’t even know existed and how do I reach out to the National Guard? How do I connect with the sheriff’s office? What do we do to navigate within our company within our team within our hospital? And I believe the number one thing that came down to it was clear, concise communication of who’s the point person, how do I connect to them? What do I need and being asked, that’s another thing too, because people were pulled in so many different directions. 

For example, I lived in one county, I had team members that work in another county. And then the hospitals that I oversaw, were in three different counties. All, and that’s another thing too, Houston is made up of several counties. And there was so much confusion around well, who’s over this county or do I call the sheriff’s department do I call the National Guard do I call the emergency hotline? It was so there was so much chaos. And I think having clear communication. Clear channels of communication was what set effective leaders apart from ineffective leaders.

Nicole: Yeah, and So I’m actually going to have a gentleman on the show named Patrick who’s going to talk about disaster preparedness. And, and so you might be like disaster preparedness on a leadership podcast? It’s a huge responsibility of a leader to know what to do and it’s not fun to think about. But it’s really important. In fact, I’ll share with you Raven a little personal thing in my life. On Fourth of July evening, my nephew’s home burnt to the ground. He lives like in a brand new nice neighborhood, you know, like it’s a starter home. He’s got a little family, you know, like a baby and two other kids and they’re putting out fireworks and the house, I mean, gone. Living at the Courtyard Marriott, and we’re gonna go take them to shopping this weekend. 

I mean, it’s just the craziest thing. Like, you don’t think it’s going to happen to you or somebody that you love. Right? And, you know, the lesson of you know, who do you call? The clearness. It’s, you know, laminated document high up on the ceiling. So you can get to it in the flood, right? He he lost his wallet, he he’s having the hardest time getting anything done. He has no driver’s license, he has no birth certificate, he has nothing. So I’m telling you all this disaster preparedness is huge. You gotta listen when I have Patrick on the podcast. I absolutely love your answer to that. That’s wonderful.

Raven: Our conversation because it makes me think about just the pandemic, when everything like when shut down, and we were in lockdown. There were so much communication coming from various sources. From the CDC was saying one thing. The WHO was saying one thing. The governor was saying one thing. The local health department was saying, and it’s like, you’re a hospital leader, and you’re like, well, what’s fiction? What’s fact? What’s the policy today? And what are the channels of communication? Because everyone’s calling the governor’s office. Everyone’s calling the CDC? I mean, just complete and total chaos in the month of March 2020.

Nicole: I know. That’s right. And correct me if I’m wrong. I remember seeing like it went viral. There was a picture of like people in a nursing home, sitting like with the water up to their chest. Do you know which picture I’m talking about?

Raven: I know exactly what you’re. I even though the area. So that was outside of Beaumont, which is about 30-45 minutes outside of the Greater Houston area. But I know exactly what you’re talking about, because I know the area.

Nicole: And to think that we had our grandmas and grandpas sitting in the water. I mean, it was I mean, I know it was a natural disaster of epic proportions. But when I saw that I was just I was grieving, right? So crazy, crazy. Alright, so everybody get a disaster preparedness thing in place. And then the clear, concise communication that Raven’s talking about? Okay, so Raven, like me, you probably have had like an awesome boss, awesome leader. And you’ve had one that you’re like, how did that one get in here? Because it’s not good. All right. So yeah, and I just always love this question, because it’s so important to kind of look at that like, what makes one one leader a success and effective and one who stays on the struggle bus? What do you think is going on there? Kind of dissect that for me. Put your put your thoughts around that.

Raven: So my thoughts around the ones that are leaning or on the side of the struggle bus is oftentimes they have IQ, which is intelligence quotient, and they are lacking in two of the others, which are EQ, emotional quotient, and AQ, adaptability quotient. How are you able to adapt in different circumstances with different team members? And just when things don’t go as planned? I think a lot of leaders may have like, here’s how I want things done. 

Here’s the time something should start. Here’s how, you know, here’s how it should go when it should go with someone. It doesn’t go that way. How do you respond because we’re all watching. And I think that’s something super important to remember, as a leader and I believe you can lead from wherever you are. People are watching to see how you respond under pressure, how you respond when things go awry. 

And that adaptability quotient, to me is key for a successful leader and the leaders that stand out to me, I just I felt like they were able to navigate, no matter what they were what was thrown at them. They were like, oh, okay, we’ll get through this. Here’s how here’s what we can do from here. Here’s what we can do from that. They didn’t let that shake them. And even if internally, you know they were their nerves or their anxiousness. They didn’t allow that to show. They came in cool, calm and connected to make sure the team was taken care of.

Nicole: Cool, y’all write that down. Cool, calm and connected. Oh my gosh, that’s tweetable too. I love it. I’m stealing that shamelessly from you. I’m just saying. I’m gonna tell everybody Raven told me. Okay, I love it. Alright, so EQ is absolutely the thing and you know what I kind of heard what you said was like the the leader that’s able to reset.

Raven: Absolutely. Reset, reset with whatever is thrown at and successfully navigate that reset.

Nicole: Yeah, that’s awesome. Okay, so those are the people on the the struggle bus, they need to work on their EQ and their AQ, which I love that. Okay, so so let’s flip it. Obviously, the people on the on the successful side have EQ working AQ working and IQ. All the Q’s going going. So what else does the successful leader have going for them? What’s one of the things you see when you work with these young leaders?

Raven: I would say relationships. I heard something just last week, and I am a professional personal development junkie. So I don’t remember where I heard it. So I can’t quote where I heard it. But it was talking about how oftentimes you’ll hear b2b business, a business or b2c business to consumer. And they said, actually, none of that is true. It’s H to H, human to human. 

Nicole: Oh, I love it. 

Raven: And when you are a successful leader, I believe you have that human to human connection. And even in business and in relationships, it’s people, it’s how you are able to connect with people, I believe, that really sets a ineffective leader apart from a highly effective leader. So relationships. To me that is so key to being an exemplary leader and the leaders that stand out to me, in my mind, I felt like they went out of their way to make sure that our team and our organization and the people that were reporting to them, it felt like they did the most to make it feel like family. 

Like I, again, I mentioned earlier, but I have your back, I have your back. And I’m going to make sure that this is a strong relationship. Because when you have strong relationships within a team, I think that is where you see that impact and influence to make everyone else around you better. They won’t let anyone on the team fail. It’s like, you know what, I’ll take care of this, because this is my this is not only my peers, it’s family. I’ll make sure that I do my best because this represents the family. This represents the team. 

Nicole: Yeah, I love that. And, you know, the thing about having somebody back, I think it’s, it’s the leaders ability to want to invest, like stop doing strategy for skinny seconds, okay. The business is humming, you know, it isn’t stopped, you know, come over here and talk to the people that are actually making the business hum. Right, you know, doing those one on ones and knowing their names and knowing their story. And all of that. I think you’re absolutely right. Okay, so I love that. 

Okay, so here’s my next question for you. It is, what are what are the biggest challenges you think lie ahead. Now don’t miss what she just shared a little bit back. She’s, she’s been through some serious challenges in since 2020, and probably several before that, as well. But if you were to like, look out into the future and use your crystal ball, what do you think are the challenges that lie ahead? How can leaders kind of get prepped to take on the challenges that leaders are going to face in the future? 

Raven: What comes to mind and conversations that I’ve had just in the past week or so with friends is reintegration into the workforce. Many people have been at home or working virtually for the past 15, 16 months. And now we’re going back into the office. What does that post COVID era office look like? What does the environment look like? And I think there are people who have gone through different traumas. People have gone through different traumas. And how do we find? 

I think work life integration is more important than ever. And because there are some people who have chosen not to re enter the workforce, there are people that are still there, that now their workload is doubled. And how do we make sure that these team members feel feel supported and feel connected again. That’s another thing too, I think virtually a lot of people feel like that, you know, I’m not connected anymore, or they’ve transitioned into a different role throughout this time. And I haven’t worked with these people. 

It was funny, one of my friends, we were laughing the other day, she was like, yeah, we started back on around July 1, and it’s this person I’ve been zooming with for the past year. And I was like, oh, you you really exist, it’s nice to actually see your face. So I think that is a definitely a big challenge that leaders are going to be to be faced with, of what does that new office look like, again, because things aren’t going to be the same. And the world has gone through a reset the world has gone through just just different changes and challenges? And how do we make sure we re integrate our leaders and our team members back into an environment that are also too psychologically safe.

Nicole: Yeah, I agree. I agree. And, you know, one of the things that you you have to be careful about is like, you know, long story short, the Greer family, entire family got together at Christmas, and we all got COVID. Nothing bad happened. And so you know, you got to be careful that you don’t talk about that in a careless way. Because I mean, you’ll be talking to somebody who lost their favorite uncle. You’ll be you know, they lost their Grandpa. You know, so it’s just being so thoughtful. I’m not gonna say cautious because you need to talk, you need to work through what we’ve been through. But Gosh, I think it’s so important to be thoughtful about how you present your experience of COVID. 

Because you might have thought this, but like somebody had the opposite experience during the whole thing. And I can’t even agree with you more about this whole thing of like, coming back. And like, I never even worked with you before. I recruited a gal. And she went to go work for one of the companies I work with. And I just saw her on Tuesday, for the first time live. I mean, we talked through zoom, I don’t know, twelve times during the recruiting process. And like, when I came in there, she’s like, I’m vaccinated. And she just gave me a big hug, because I helped her get what, you know, a job that she just was so happy about. So it’s a different thing. And so we’re gonna have to learn how to do teaming again, right, and bring everybody back together. 

So doing some team building and things like that. I think you’re you’re dead on absolutely correct. All right. So um, this is a my final question for you, Raven, it’s the one I always end with. And so if you are mentoring a special single listener right now, and they thought, oh, my gosh, how did this, you know, beautiful young woman have this amazing career? Well, you heard how she carried herself. So go back and listen to that again. But one piece of leadership advice would you give to that single special listener? Like if you could say, if nothing else, do this? Think this whatever? What do you think?

Raven: What I would say is be intentional. The young people like to say make your your next move your best move. Intentional about your relationships, be intentional about how you even carry yourself. Be intentional about when you think about what you want for your career. What does that environment look like? What does when you’re interviewing? What does that leader, the leader that you feel that you would connect most with? Think about that know that. So when you are in an interview, you’re like, hmm, that doesn’t really jive well with my leadership style, or my values, and make sure that the actions you take, they’re well thought out. And you just never know how things may pan out. 

But I think as much as much intention, you can put in your career search as much intention you can put in your relationships, as much intention you can put in your every day work. I remember hearing the quote, I was listening to Mind Valley, and they say extraordinary days, lead to extraordinary months. Extraordinary months, lead to extraordinary years. And extraordinary years lead to an extraordinary life. It’s what you do daily, and be intentional about what you do daily, so you can have an extraordinary life.

Nicole: Mm hmm. I love it. So downloaded two more tweetable things, y’all this whole extraordinary thing, right? So I won’t repeat all that, but that’s tweetable. And then I also like what you said, you said, make your next move your best move. And you can only do that if you’re thinking about it. Right and I talked to people all the time they’ll get mad, sad and unglad it worked, you know, I’m just gonna quit. Well don’t do that. Have a plan. Think about what you really want and have an intentional strategy going out there to do your job hunt. 

I’m not saying that where you are isn’t right, I’m just saying make sure you’re in the right mind, do a reset, as Raven would say, and get your ducks in a row and then go find without what you really really want. Which is where we started. So we’ve brought it full circle Raven, today, we’ve done a great job. So here’s what I want to do. I want to invite you to tell people how to find you so that they can call you up and get a coaching session and learn from you. So tell us how to find you. 

Raven: First and foremost, connect with me on LinkedIn, let me know that this is how we met on the Vibrant Leadership podcast, as well as my website is activatethedream.com

Nicole: All right, fantastic. All right, Raven, it’s been so good to be with you. I hope you have a fabulous. It’s Friday, we’re doing this on Friday. So this girl’s working up to the end of the week. And so we’ll see you y’all have a great weekend. Thank you so much. 

Raven: Thank you, Nicole.

Voiceover: Ready to up your leadership game? Bring Nicole Greer to speak to your leadership team, conference or organization to help them with her unique SHINE method to increase clarity, accountability, energy and results. Email speaking@vibrantculture.com and be sure to check out Nicole’s TEDx talk at vibrantculture.com/TEDTalk.

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