The Vibrant Blog

What kind of life does a life-long learner have?

What kind of life does a "life-long learner" have? This is a very powerful question. My answer to this without reservation is a VIBRANT LIFE. A vibrant life is pulsating with energy, power, and strength. I believe we have no choice but to be lifelong learners.  We all have dreams, desires, and...

Doing Good and Doing Bad

     We have all have voices in our head. A daily dialogue goes on between the "me" that wants to be vibrant―full of energy, enthusiasm and genius―and the "me" that is apathetic―lifeless, lethargic and dull. This dialogue of the me's creates serious resistance to the pursuit of doing good....

Live a Punctuated Life!

The word PUNCTUATE has two meanings:To insert marks into the written word to clarify meaning. To interrupt something at intervals.  I believe that a "vibrant life" is seriously punctuated!!! Living a vibrant life is, by definition, illuminated. When an individual...Knows his/her personal mission... Has the mission tied to a vision...Supports the...

The Creative Tension Zone

  Imagine a rubber band, stretched between your vision for the future and your current reality. When pulled taut, the rubber band tightens, representing the tension between what is and what could be.What does this tension seek? It seeks resolution, or release.There are only two possible ways for your tension...

You Are On a Lifeline

  There's a day when you arrive on this planet. And there will be a day when you leave. No earthbound human can escape this reality. Your lifeline exists between these two days, and you stand in choice about how you will experience the journey from point A to point...

The Clock is Ticking…

  The timer went off the day you were born.  If it's true your days are numbered, then the countdown is in progress. Whether conscious or unconscious, the clock is ticking down in the background. How does that land with you?Is your soul screaming, "Carpe Diem! Seize the day!"?  - OR -  Is...

Are You Esteemed?

  To be esteemed is to be highly-regarded. People who live vibrant lives are always esteemed. They love God, their families, their callings and yes, themselves. An individual who has personal esteem radiates confidence, gives us hope and pours out love. One who lives a vibrant life understands that if...

Know Your Strengths

Turning the Mirror InwardPeople without confidence suffer more than people with confidence. That's because they're in a state of worry, anxiety and even self-loathing. They wonder: Am I worthy? Am I enough?  Do I have what it takes? Look closely at these questions. Can they be answered? Of course they can. What's required...

Make a Vibrant Decision

You’ve been given the gift of choice!  Each and every day you wake up to a world chock-full of opportunities. Our abundant world offers an amazing array of different choices that require serious decision making skills. At every meal, odds are there are many foods you can eat. At work, in...



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Name the challenge you're facing in your culture, and I will help you solve it.

From culture-shifting keynotes and workshops, executive coaching, or long-term partnerships, my work is to help you develop your next leaders.

I was fortunate to learn this early from an exceptional leader. She took an eager, overconfident new hire and developed me into a capable leader.

I went on to lead marketing & training for 80+ sites across the U.S. Later, I went out and got almost every credential in leadership development you’ve heard of. (see the list)

Since that time, I’ve joined organizations in almost every industry to BUILD VIBRANT CULTURES where employees take initiative and true ownership in their work.

Let’s build your leadership development strategy together.