Ready to be a brand new person? We’re giving you a “Rebirth Roadmap”… These changes are so simple… But they plant the seeds for you to become the best leader you can be. And because personal development IS professional development… We’re taking a deep dive into personal growth with my guest Kasey Tench, a Holistic … Read more

You might be missing out on this incredible way to level up your leadership… You can do it when you’re relaxing at the beach… I’m talking about reading a book. And though we love business books, fiction books are an untapped resource for leadership wisdom… My guest Melanie Bell, the Co-Founder of Strategic Piece, benefited … Read more

Have you been stuck in a cycle—and not even noticed? It’s easy to go with the flow and get caught in a pattern… But if you never take stock of the bigger picture… You’ll never go beyond where you are now. You need to embrace intentionality. Luckily for you, my guest wrote a book on … Read more

If 66% of businesses fail within the first 10 years… How do you not only avoid failure…  But become a power brand in your market? You need to unlock sustainable revenue growth—but where do you start? Luckily for you, my guest Jackson Calame coined the 8 Pillars of Sustainable Revenue Growth. As the founder and … Read more

If you’re trying to lead every member of your team as if they were the same person… You’re probably hitting a wall. Your team is made up of unique individuals with unique motivations. But how do you discover these motivations and build one-on-one relationships with your team? Dave Liu is a 30-year veteran of Silicon … Read more

Business is more international than ever… Meaning that leaders NEED to work cross-culturally. But what does it take to build trust across cultures that have different ways of doing business? Dr. Rajesh Kumar is the CEO and Founder of Global Strategic Advisory, where he helps international brands navigate cross-cultural differences and avoid billion-dollar mistakes. In … Read more

What does storytelling have to do with leadership? The best leaders understand the power of narrative… If you can make your team feel like they’re on a hero’s journey… Just like the epic quests you see in movies… They’ll follow you wherever you want to go. Paul Glover is a performance coach and former federal … Read more

Want an easy, 5-step method to build your vision and strategy? What about a system to determine your team’s superpowers? Michael King is here to break down his T.E.A.M.S. Methodology and the Enneagram of Personality. These tools will help you define your gameplan—and then determine how to leverage your team’s unique gifts to enact it. … Read more

How do you ensure that your business is guided by your core values… Even when the unpredictable happens? My guest Jonathan Cotten calls this radical integrity. As the President and CEO of Easy Step Enterprises, Jonathan leverages his business to transform lives and reflect his core values. In this episode, he’ll share: How to lead … Read more

The most valuable asset in a business? People. When you understand your team’s value… You can make miracles happen at work. My guest, Dave Bookbinder, is a valuation expert who believes in the impact of human capital. He’s here to talk about the valuation of people, as well as: How to avoid toxic employees Why … Read more