The Art of State Management | Tim Redmond


If everyone on your team had your attitude, what would happen?

As a leader, you have more influence than you think…

Even if you’re hiding your fear and doubt, it’s seeping into your team…

But if you learn the art of state management, you can shake off negative emotions and approach your day with your head in the game.

Tim Redmond leads one of the most successful business growth coaching firms in the world.

In this episode, he’ll share leadership wisdom to help you boldly live your purpose and serve others.

Listen to learn:

  • Why negative self-talk damages your leadership

  • How to go from a “can’t” state to a “can” state

  • Why there’s no such thing as a neutral interaction

  • Conflict management tools for leaders

  • And more

Mentioned in this episode:


Tim Redmond: It’s really important here to to be able to agree if you can, but if you can’t get to agreement, agree to disagree agreeably.

Voiceover: You’re listening to the Build a Vibrant Culture podcast with professional speaker, coach and consultant Nicole Greer.

Nicole Greer: Welcome everybody to the Build a Vibrant Culture podcast. My name is Nicole Greer and they call me the vibrant coach and I am here with Tim Redmond. I am delighted to have him on the Build a Vibrant Culture podcast. He has over 35 years of experience growing highly successful businesses including his work at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, growing a software company from two to 400 employees and then selling it to Intuit Inc, and helping over 1000s of business owners gain time and financial freedom. 

Tim is also an author and speaker throughout the world whose leadership maxims have been featured in John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. He currently leads one of the most successful business growth coaching firms in the world, people, who has led over 1500 business owners through their unique and powerful processes to improve all areas of their business to more than double their revenues, triple their profits and realign their businesses to release their owners to boldly live their purpose. He loves his family, and he is all about serving the community. Please welcome to the show. Round of applause for Tim Redmond.

Tim: Hello. Let’s do it. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, that’s such a natural light. Just That’s so kind of words that you said about me. That was just amazement, you know that all that about me here. But anyway, yeah, we are having an absolute blast. I am like north of 60. And I’m more excited about my life. I love my work. I’ve done a, I’ve got work planned for until I’m 85 and got stuff even beyond that. But I just don’t don’t plan on slowing down. I do, I promised my wife that we’re going to spend more time me chasing her around the world at exotic resorts, and as long as I’m chasing her enough, and she’s happy, so.

Nicole: Oh, that’s good. That’s good. That’s awesome. So exotic resorts, I have a suggestion for you. So my son just went to Hawaii. And he was on a trip where he combined hunting on Lanai with staying at the Four Seasons. So in the daytime he was sweating, he was sweating and in camo and then when I would see a picture of him on Instagram at eight o’clock at night, he was bubbling away in a jacuzzi with a drink with an umbrella. So I think you know, it looked beautiful. So I’m sure you’ve already been to Hawaii, but anyway.

Tim: I love Hawaii. I love really all the islands. Maui, Kauai. We were just we’re just on the Big Island there at the Waikoloa, so, side, so yeah.

Nicole: All right, well, you gotta tell us how to figure out how to get to all these islands. So let’s jump in. So I want to find out from you right out of the gate. You know, I’m collecting definitions of leadership. What’s your definition of leadership, Tim?

Tim: Well, I actually John Maxwell has agreed to write a foreword to a leadership book that I need to get the darn thing kicked out which we really, we have a number of definitions. I like I like the definition very simply, as they promote positive results. And I like to define leadership really, as improving your looks. To grow in leadership is to is to improve your looks. And it’s not how you look in the mirror, although, you know, you’re gorgeous, and I’m doing all I can for what I got. It’s not how you look in the mirror, but how you’re looking at what you’re looking at. And what a leader does is they help the team members improve their looks. 

They help them transform how they look at what they’re looking at, from a place of incapability to place a capability. A place of impossibility to possibility and so it’s really helping to shift people to a go move. A go mode. And so that’s that’s how I, that’s how, that maybe a unique way that maybe you haven’t heard it quite like that. So but I’ve got I’ve got I mean, I’ve taught on leadership love the, love the subject and I’ve got over 100 definitions of it too, so.

Nicole: Okay, well, that’s fantastic. And I couldn’t agree more. I mean really perspective is what it’s all about. So I believe that what the leader’s number one job is to build a culture where people can shine. So tell me a little bit about what you’ve done. You’ve helped people grow so much. So what are some of the key strategies that you help people put in place so that they can build a beautiful culture and get their people to have the right looks and all that good stuff? What do you help people do?

Tim: Well, first of all, it’s when you’re working with a business owner, and you’re working with leaders, you really, I think effective leadership first goes inward before it goes outward. And so it’s not on all these techniques and, and processes. But it’s internal rituals that the individual has, so that they come out, not from a place of inadequacy or need, but they’re coming out from a place of contribution. They’re ready to contribute. 

And so, you know, what are they saying to themselves about themselves? I like to ask them, you know, if you have, if you had a friend that spoke to you, the way you speak to yourself, and would they still be your friend? And you know, what, what do you what are you saying to yourself about yourself? Do you have a moment where you, are giving yourself freedom to desire things. And when you get in this mode, where you’re, you’re feel worthy and deserving of creating, I believe, that’s not just from my own faith, but I believe the first verse in the Bible defined our purpose. 

In the beginning, God did the thing that he wanted us to do, which in the beginning, God created, well, we’re created to create, so how do we get creative? You know, how does somebody get into a mode of, of being creative, you know. And whether individual or an or a team. And so, you know, I believe the leader’s primary purpose, you know, in a team is to create a culture with, where the team members can can grow, can respond to that culture, can respond to that environment. 

So, you know, I like to really work on the individual and where are they going? And are they contagious in the pathway they’re following because that’s Daniel Goleman’s book, Primal Leadership. I’m sure you’ve read it years ago. But it said that CEOs underestimate the impact that they have on their people and their and their emotional state. You know, and that’s, you know, their, their state management has more to do with governing their culture than just about anything else.

Nicole: I’m gonna say it a smidge different, but you said, I love that you said, would you like the words you’re saying to yourself? Would you be friends with that guy? So what I heard was this concept of self talk. Right? 

Tim: Yeah. That’s what it is. Right. 

Nicole: Yeah. So I bet you there’s a couple of listeners out there, Tim, that are like, oh, I have terrible self talk. I beat myself up all the time, or, you know, downgrade myself or whatever. So what would be your advice to somebody who’s got kind of like, a Gremlin that’s telling them they can’t do it?

Tim: We all have Gremlins. You know, it’s like, oh, you’re so lucky you don’t have that? What planet are you on? I remember, I am married to a beautiful woman more than I deserve. We got four very above average kids, thanks to her. And I remember one time this is we can be really personal here. And she’s not in the room. So I’m safe until you show her this video. But she, she’s beautiful. And she was getting ready. And she was making comments about herself. And about every seven years, I say something really intelligent in our marriage. 

And it takes about that long, but this is one of those moments. And I said, stop saying that. Nobody talks to my best friend, nobody. Nobody talks to my best friend that way. And she was like, well, and then you know, we were late to the meeting. So anyway, you know, we have a tendency to be critical on ourselves and be helpful to other people. And, you know, I believe that how life is governed is you love your neighbor, as you love who, yourself. You know, that’s the golden rule. And so if you’re not loving yourself, you’re going to somehow export that self hatred in some way that’s going to show up. 

So I like to just say, okay, Tim, are you building the case against yourself or are you building the case for yourself? You know, and if those words came to pass, would that be the life you want to live? Because I believe that words are like seeds that you plant in the ground. They grow up as you know, you keep speaking those same words, you water, you keep speaking it, you fertilize it and they end up grown. And that’s what you get, you know, to a degree. So I think words you speak are very important. They bring healing, they bring hope, they bring shifting in people’s mind. They also nurture who you are, and you’re a, just incredible wiring to change the world. 

And so it’s kind of like a Saturday Night Live skit where, I forget the guy’s name is one of the funniest guys. But he was a counselor and you pay him five bucks. He said, well stop, stop your story here. Here’s my, here’s my coaching for you. Stop it. That’s, that’s what I wish I could some of your listeners will remember that Saturday Night Live story, but he just said stop it. To words, stop it. And that’s what I would say to these precious people watching here. If they’re building a case against themselves, just stop it because we need the best of you to come out.

Nicole: And then you know, you you also said that we underestimate, leaders underestimate their impact. And I could not agree more. In fact, I tell leaders all the time, your people want to hear from you. They want to hang out with you. They want to understand how did you become, how did you start this business? How did you become the CEO? How did you become the VP of whatever and whatever? And young people are, are hungry to understand how you pull these things off.

Tim: And they want to know the dirt, they want to know the struggle. They want to know the dark places you walk through. I, you know, I’ve got a business that’s pretty much been run by my one of my sons. And, you know, it’s like when I talk about some of the dark times, even in growing this business, and we’re currently actively coaching about 150 business owners right now. And we’re growing from that. So we got a good size, consulting firm. And so we have the success all over. But it’s like, tell me about your dark times. And, and like one day he just started crying and says dad, I didn’t know that that’s what you had to walk through. 

This gives me courage, this gives me strength and this, yes, I want to do it. And I’ll say that, you know, in building a culture, you mentioned what what creates a culture. That’s where state management comes in. Your emotional state is how you feel about yourself and the world around you. It’s either against you or for you. It’s either, it’s cooperating or it’s not cooperating. It’s frustrating, or it’s loving, or it’s, you know, it’s, it’s all this. And so this is the internal world that I really get myself straight on. 

So I can export, that’s what Daniel Goleman was talking about in that book Primal Leadership. We export, whatever we have on the inside and, and he talked about how executives are coming to work in a bad attitude. And even though they’re quiet, or they think they’re playing poker, you know, people are too intelligent, and you’re going to export whatever you have on the inside. And he said, Daniel Goleman, is talking about how is amazing how the productivity company wide actually decreased because the emotional state of the leader walking in thinking that he’s not making the difference. 

And so get your act together, get the work done, before you show up at the office, so that you can export. You know, you don’t just tell the way, you show the way. There’s another definition of leadership, you know, where you can really just become that change that you’re seeking. Become that attitude that you’re wanting to see in your employees, you got to you got to show the way and not just tell it. So is that helpful?

Nicole: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. So let’s make sure everybody’s got this. So you need to get tribal leadership by Daniel Goleman. Add that to the reading list. So Tim, Nicole Greer believes that reading is like one of the best habits a leader can have. Gotta be, you gotta be reading or listening and driving around in your vehicle, whatever. Okay, so that add that to your book list. And so what he just said was that you’ve got to manage the state you’re in, not tell the way and show the way. So I heard you loud and clear, you know, people just need to stop it. Okay.

Tim: I’m gonna show you that. I’m gonna send you that later, Nicole. You’re going to love that skit.

Nicole: Maybe we can put the link in the show notes and people can get a laugh or something. Okay. Well, that’s, I think that’s easier said than done. Although like getting your head in the game is is absolutely huge. So what can a leader do to get their head in the game? One thing is what we, what I just said, which is, you know, you can read. You know, I think like, you know, that’ll think garbage in garbage out. I think that’s important.

Tim: Right. Yeah, right.

Nicole: So how, do I how else do I change my state? You know, because I could be, you know, down on the proverbial feeling scale? How do I bring myself back up? What habits or activities?

Tim: There are several real concrete ways to change your state immediately. And our kids have shown us this, where, you know, I remember one time that one of my kids was just had all this noise pollution coming out of their mouth, and the crying and nagging and all that. And I came, and I brought with me the board of education with me, in my household. And it’s a real firm, real stout board of education, we’ll just leave it at that. Because I don’t want anyone to to sue me here, sue you for sensitivity issues. But as soon as he saw me coming at him with the board of education, I remember him saying, I got a good tuditude, I got a good tuditude. So coming, I got a good tuditude. He was trying to say, I got a good attitude, you know. 

And so we can change our state. Imagine this, that maybe we’re getting in a fight with our spouse here. And somebody calls, one of our best friends calls or client calls, and immediately we’re argh, and then, James hello. We change our state in a moment. So just not even change it, but you change it by what you’re focused on. You change it by what questions you’re asking yourself. You know, it’s like, you can ask weak questions, and it gets you into a weak state. Why did this happen to me is a horrible question. You know, what can I learn from this? How can I benefit from this? That’s a better question. 

So yeah, focus. Yep, question. You have even your, your, your body posture, you know, your, your, your, you can be sitting down like this, you know, yeah, I’m really excited about. No, just your body posture. If you just straighten up, you feel better your state changes, you know. Change the state in your face, smile. I don’t feel like smiling. Well, who’s the boss of your emotions, that’s another one of my sayings with my kids growing up. Who’s the boss of your emotions. So, you know, that’s another one, here is your posture, your, your, your facial expressions. 

Also, we talked about it already, Nicole, is what the words we speak, you know, stop describing misery and a place that you don’t even want to live.Start describing life as you want it to be not as this miserable way to look at it. And just, you know, your, your tone of voice. Changing your tone of voice can change your state. You know, I’m really excited right now. Well, I just I get depressed really just the way I said that. My tone of voice. You know, I can say, you know, I’m just miserable right now. Well, that doesn’t, that does doesn’t line up. I’m not miserable. I’m excited. You know. 

So your tone of voice. I mean, this is, I mean, I didn’t know that we’re going to get into all this stuff. But state management is huge. And as a leader, you’re going to export whatever state you have. And so let the best you show up. Right? You know, because we’re contagious, whether we want to or not. We can’t play poker. People are too smart. Don’t you agree? So anyways, sorry for getting so excited about this, but.

Nicole: No, I love it. So I just want to recap. So here’s how you change your state, you focus on something that’s going to take your state in the right direction. You’re going to observe the questions you’re asking yourself, and I love this. He said, the worst question you can ask is, why did this happen to me? Okay, so I think that is a fantastic tip. And then you know, your posture, your smile, and we all know that, you know, your, your physical body, your somatic body is attached to your emotional body. All of these things. The body is an amazing thing, right? So you smile and you you get going the right way. And then the words we speak, you know. So we either speak, you know, growth or we speak death, you know, life or death. So, you know, be careful with those words, you know, and that’s just great advice. Go ahead. What do you want to add to that?

Tim: No, I mean, just, you know, that’s where, you know, we, we don’t think it’s that important, but I think it’s one of the most important things of creating a vibrant culture is come from a place of, of abundance and contribution, rather than a place of lack and misery, you know. And because you’re going to, you’re going to infuse into your environment, whatever, whatever you feel about yourself and the world around you, your state that you’re in. And just I’m feeling so horrible right now. Well stop it. Stop it, you know, just for because you want to unleash the creativity of your team, that’s kind of what a vibrant culture does is it unleashes people just just to become more than what they could be on their own. And we’re created for connection. And that connection is passionate in a vibrant culture like you celebrate, it’s, I’m going to have a better version of myself show up.

Nicole: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So I love what you said, too. He asked another question. You know, so you could hang this one on the mirror. You know, where are you going to come from today? Right. You know.

Tim: That’s good. Yeah, that’s a good way to, to summarize that. Yeah. You know, and there’s, there’s only two states to be in. This is a, this is my binary approach to life. We’re not gonna remember, here’s the 53 ways of simplifying your life, you know, that doesn’t make sense. But there’s, there’s, there’s only two states you can be in. Either you’re in a can state or can’t state. Either you’re capable or you’re incapable. It’s impossible, or it’s possible. You’re stuck in a flat state, or you’re in a gross state, you know. So you can just ask yourself, what state am I in? I mean, like, when you interact with people, there’s no such thing as a neutral transaction. 

You think, all I said was, hi to him. I know, but you look like a bad investment the way you said, hello. Just improve the looks that you that you have. So, you know, it’s like, you wanna, you want to make sure that you become aware of what state you’re in, you’re in a state. And when you come in there, you’re gonna either tear the, you know, every every person’s got a connection with you. It’s like a bridge. And you’re either tearing down that bridge, or you’re building up your strength in that bridge, there’s no such thing as a neutral transaction. There’s, there’s no such thing as well, there’s nothing that happened between us. 

There is something happening between you. Either you’re building up, or you’re tearing down. So just if you’re aware of that, oh, what what state am I in? I know, I’ve done this, even when my wife it’s like, you know, she says something, I’m just like, you know, just like Morris the Cat. And it’s like, well, wait a minute, become aware, I want her to love me and I want to hug her. I don’t want her to shy away, you know. So if I come from a place of contribution and abundance, I’m going to always get better results for the culture that I create.

Nicole: Yeah, that’s awesome. That’s awesome. All right. So you said this great thing. You said, you’re in one state or the other. I can or I can’t, it’s possible, or it’s impossible. And I love that. In fact, a lot of times I’ll share with people I’m like, there’s a there’s an epidemic out there. And it’s not COVID-19. There’s a different one, there’s a couple going on, but one in particular, is the epidemic of hard. And so like you’ll ask somebody, you know, how could we do this? I don’t know. It’s gonna be hard. Yeah. Immediately default to hard instead of easy or possible, right? Or can. So I think that this is big.

Tim: Right, then your brain is going to solve it, to prove to you that what you say is true. Yeah. To show you how hard it is. And so what we end up doing as leaders is we sit down when we should be standing up. Yeah. I mean, the world, the world is starving. There’s this person watching right now, up in sentia. And the world is starving for you to stand up and quit sitting down. Just get off that blessed assurance because we need you, all of you to show up.

Nicole: Absolutely, absolutely. All right. So some of the specialties that you have kind of in your toolbox as a business coach is you say I’m really good at helping people resolve conflicts. And I think this is something we need to talk about. What are the ways that you go about helping business leaders resolve conflicts, like within their organization, or maybe in their own minds? How do you, how do you get rid of conflict? How do you do that? We would like to know step by step.

Tim: So this is this will may be another definition of leadership. I like to say that our goal is not conflict resolution. I don’t think that’s a realistic goal. Our goal is conflict management. And so we may never agree. We want to agree, you know, I think just but just understanding that, that we’ve got to learn that, that it’s okay, if we don’t agree. Somebody is going to be the boss, and they’re going to have the final say. And we we’ve got to add to that support that even if it’s against what we wanted, we have the leadership has to stand up and carry that out. Well, that’s not what. People work towards making sure that they’re right instead of making progress. They undermine that. 

And so, you know, it’s really important here to to be able to, to agree if you can, but if you can’t get to agreement, agree to disagree agreeably. You know, we’ve heard that it’s almost an old adage, but it’s, it’s something that helps me out here. How can I, am I disagreeing in such a disagreeable way that we hate each other, we don’t want to work together. It shuts down the the culture, it shuts down the productivity. So that’s one thing. The first, you know, another thing, when really, the first thing I would start with is, I always look at what role that I play to create this challenge. 

And if you can’t ask that, and you cannot see yourself as part of the challenge, part of the problem, then you have no business being in the room to send the solution. Because that’s arrogance. And it’s over people, and it’s pushing people down, because of your weakened security, stop it kind of thing. It’s gonna be our theme here. If this even makes it to a live recording here, I hope I didn’t insult any body. You know, but it’s, you got to own your own stuff first. And if you don’t see where you have contributed to that, well I wasn’t even in the room, you know, you’re gonna stop jabbing that’s another rule. Stop jabbing. There’s three things that are jabbing, and we’re jabbing all over our companies. 

First of all, we’re justifying, advising without being asked, and blaming, because the judging and blame are the same. So justifying, advising, and blaming, and so forth. Jabbing, we’re not going to resolve squat. We’re gonna be justified, we’re going to be arrogant, and we’re going to be right. And so you have a you have a choice, either to be right, or to strengthen the relationship, which R do you want? The relationship or being right? And being right is a reason for partnership breakups, divorces, for all kinds of division, that doesn’t have to be. 

We’re lacking this, the tools that are in our toolkit, here, and if we, if we start out, justifying our behavior, you know, trying to advise the other person or blaming the other person, we’re not gonna resolve anything. We’re coming in there, and we’re disagreeably coming in to say, you caused this, you gotta fix it. What? You know, how are you fixing that? How are you helping that? I believe in it, you know, if you want to train somebody to lead, you let them lead, you know, let them own it. You know, we’re talking about extreme ownership here in this company. You know, we’re always, we always have the three W’s in every meeting here. 

Well, what is it we’re going to get done and who owns it? When’s it going to be done by? Those are the three W’s. And we have a lot, let me own it, I’ll own that. I’ll own that. Hey, I should have owned that better. Let me own that. That’s the kind of conversation we have. And I think that’s the conversation that’s a vibrant culture is is not a culture that doesn’t have disagreement and conflict and clashing. We have to manage it and we have to first of all go inward before we go outward. Don’t jab, go inward. Is that helpful? I can keep going down a list but I think that’s some good stuff hopefully for people to think about.

Nicole: Yeah, so I mean he, stop jabbing is you know, stop judging and blaming, stop justifying and stop advising without being asked. I think that is really solid advice for people right. That solid to do list and and don’t miss what he said everybody in the midst of that. He said, You know, you get a choice. Do you want to be right? Or do you want to have a relationship? I think that is a fantastic, just a quickie there, you know, do want to be right or have a relationship. I would like you to repeat if you would, because I didn’t catch them and I’m a good note taker. You said we have three W’s. Who owns it, and I didn’t get the rest. So tell me those if you would.

Tim: When you’re running a meeting, and you’re having a conversation, you want to you want to get that down into some kind of an action item. And so an action item makes a meeting worth its while. Now sometimes they’re just information and you’re, you’re fishing and you’re getting a different ideas, brainstorming, that’s good. But most meetings you’re getting down to who’s going to do what, when. So the first w is what is it that needs to be done. Now, a lot of times, that is not clear, it’s too broad, or too all encompassing, or it’s, there’s some blurriness in it. We have to be real specific, we got to make a smart, what. Specific and measurable, attainable risk, you know, it’s gonna be. So the first w is what the second w is, who owns it. Who’s going to be own it? Now, you cannot have more than one person own a task, you know, that. 

Nicole: You gotta hold people accountable, right.

Tim: Hold them accountable. Well, no, Missy and I are gonna do that. Well, which one of you are going to own it? That’s what we’re asking our company, which one would own it? Well, we’re both gonna own it. Well, yeah. But if both you own it, nobody owns it. And like, the other guys said, if you got more than three priorities, you don’t have any priorities at all. You know, it’s kind of like, you got to make sure that one person owns it. And then when is it going to be done by. There’s buy in on that. It gets documented. Of course we use Google Docs with all of our clients, and even within our own meetings, you know, we’re documenting, here’s what we’re deciding what needs to be done. Who owns it? When’s it going to be done by? So that’s the three W’s.

Nicole: I love it, I love it. And so don’t miss. Now, I was just gonna say and he threw in there the SMART goals. So just in case, it’s Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. And then he and then he also threw this in there. I don’t want anybody miss it. But like, if you have more than three priorities, you have no priorities. So I thought those were extra little nuggets that you just snuck right in there real quick. So I want to make sure people got that. Yeah, for sure. Now, what do you want to say? Then I have one final question for you.

Tim: Well, I think there are a lot of business owners that are listening to your, to this podcast here. 

Nicole: I am sure. 

Tim: Yeah. So because that’s what that’s what I gear in on as leaders of organizations and business owners. And so the other big, the big challenge that I would have for the business owners is your state. If your state were made throughout your company, how productive would your company be? Another way to ask that is, how contagious do you want your state to be? And a leader is to is to really show the way. So you show them, you demonstrate before you tell, so.

Nicole: That’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. All right. So Tim, we’ve got time for one baby size nugget, what would be the last thing that you would leave that business owner with? And, and you know, I know some of you that are listening are in leadership inside of organizations, you don’t own an organization, but you definitely, as Tim has demonstrated here, you own the department, it’s your baby. So what would you have these owners know?

Tim: Well, I, here’s some that comes out of left field. But here’s what will go with it anyway. It’s called the fire of desire. It’s the fire of desire. And I think that people are so busy, they’re more human doings and human beings that we don’t take time to think about what do I want? What is my desire list. And we call it a bucket list, a dream list, but just, you will come alive. No matter where you are in your organization, you’ll come alive and be more of a contributor to your culture, if you will get active in writing down the desires that you have, and count yourself worthy of pursuing those desires. And who you become in the pursuit is even better than achieving the desires. But that’s another subject. Just give yourself freedom to desire. White hot desire is the fire of desire and just start writing down those desires and that will make you come alive.

Nicole: That’s fantastic. Tim Redmond, it has been an absolute pleasure and a joy to have you on the Build a Vibrant Culture podcast. If you’re not fired up, you weren’t listening in. So go back to the very beginning and get off the treadmill, pull the car over, get your notepad out, and write down everything that Tim just shared with you. I’m delighted to have you and if people want to get up with you, they can find you on LinkedIn. Of course it’s going to be And his handle is Coach Tim Redman. You can also find him on his website, which is redmondgrowthconsulting. So check him out, we’ll have all the stuff in the show notes.

Tim: Right. And if I could, if anybody wants this, I have a growth plan that’s $2,500 that we normally charge for it because we show them their future based on where they’re at. But they leave you a five star review on your podcast or tell me how much you love Nicole, then we’ll waive that $2,500 fee, and anybody that’s a business owner, if they want to get a a waived fee on that growth plan. It’s a phenomenal experience. And so I encourage them to get a hold of me and say, hey, I’d love Nicole and give me that growth plan. And if they’re a business owner, boom, it’s theirs for free.

Nicole: All right. Fantastic. Thank you so much, Tim. We’ll talk to you later and join us again for another episode of the Build a Vibrant Culture podcast.

Voiceover: Ready to build your vibrant culture? Bring Nicole Greer to speak to your leadership team, conference or organization to help them with her strategies, systems and smarts to increase clarity, accountability, energy and results. Your organization will get lit from within. Email And be sure to check out Nicole’s TEDx talk at

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