Our special guest on this episode of the Vibrant Leadership Podcast is Rick Meekins. He is the managing partner at Aepiphanni Business Consulting, and he is dedicated to helping business owners for over 15 years. He helps people build extraordinary companies and his mission is to educate, equip, and inspire people to pursue extraordinary goals … Read more
Nicole Greer
What kind of life does a “life-long learner” have? This is a very powerful question. My answer to this without reservation is a VIBRANT LIFE. A vibrant life is pulsating with energy, power, and strength. I believe we have no choice but to be lifelong learners. We all have dreams, desires, and a destiny stirring within us! To … Read more
To be esteemed is to be highly-regarded. People who live vibrant lives are always esteemed. They love God, their families, their callings and yes, themselves. An individual who has personal esteem radiates confidence, gives us hope and pours out love. One who lives a vibrant life understands that if he or she doesn’t have high regard for his or her own life, neither will anyone else.
People without confidence suffer more than people with confidence. That’s because they’re in a state of worry, anxiety and even self-loathing. They wonder: Am I worthy? Am I enough? Do I have what it takes? Look closely at these questions. Can they be answered? Of course they can. What’s required is self-assessment. When faced with an opportunity that calls your skills, talents and gifts into question—leaving you less than confident—it’s time to take stock.
You’ve been given the gift of choice! Each and every day you wake up to a world chock-full of opportunities. Here’s a valuable tool from Nicole Greer, the Vibrant Coach, to help you discover the sweet spot where you are aware of your decisions, in control of your destiny, and making choices which result in the life you want.