Mike Malatesta is on a mission to help as many entrepreneurs as he can create successful companies that improve people’s lives, and he joins this episode to do just that for everyone listening in! For everyone stuck in the Grind stage of the Entrepreneurial Journey – bogged down by daily tasks and unsure how to … Read more

Calling all entrepreneurs and early-stage business leaders! This episode is for you! Andy Cabasso is an entrepreneur, speaker, and lawyer. His most recent business, Postaga, is a fully remote, all-in-one platform for link building and email outreach. He joins the show to share his lessons for starting, growing, and selling a first-time company, including: The … Read more

Listen in before your next meeting. No one loves drama at work. But we’ve all had those meetings, the ones where everyone leaves nodding their heads and believing they’re all on the same page… only to receive an email several hours later from someone who wants to critique or change the plans. Ego loves drama. … Read more

As a leader, you are always negotiating. Sometimes it’s a major deal to hit a revenue goal, other times it’s taking care of the needs of team members. How do you deal with friction in the process? How do you become an implementer and not just a deal maker? Get the psychological edge in your … Read more

What could you do if you were able to generate your own value? Would you know how to leverage that personal value into greater business and personal success? Andy McDowell is a strategic coach who understands how small business owners and executives can generate their value to take ownership of their lives and position themselves … Read more

Evolve to your highest leadership potential. Gain clarity, retain top talent, get more done. This conversation with leadership expert Shawna Schuh is a must listen. What are the non-negotiables of leadership? What is more important than your mission statement? How do “I am” statements create integrity? Shawna has the answers to these questions and the … Read more

Julie Henry is back! The President of Finish Line Leadership and author of Wisdom from the Wild returns to share more insights from wild places to help leaders drive and survive change. We pick up where we left off in Episode 64. Julie shares more of the Unbreakable Laws of Leadership including: Resilience in action  … Read more

We are so delighted to welcome Sean Glaze back to the show for this special episode! If you missed our previous conversation in Episode 58, Sean is an expert speaker and educator. He has been a coach for over 20 years, helping leaders create more positive and profitable team cultures. He is the Founder of … Read more

What an absolute treat of an episode this is! International leadership and business coach Gregory Gray joins to discuss all the benefits of having a leadership coach, including: The unique advantages a coach can bring to leaders at all levels  What it means to move from manage-leading to leadership-leading  How to start your Vision Story  … Read more

What are the 9 Unbreakable Laws for Leaders? What can spiders, sea turtles, mangrove forests, and more teach us about leadership? Former zoo and aquarium senior leader, Julie Henry is now an author and President of Finish Line Leadership. She uses her insights from wildlife and wild places to help leaders succeed in corporate, nonprofit, … Read more