Our special guest on this episode of The Vibrant Leadership podcast is Adam Mendler, CEO of The Veloz Group and host of the Thirty Minute Mentors, Leaders To Listen To podcast. He is also the Co-Founder of Beverly Hills Chairs, a leading office furniture e-tailer, Custom Tobacco, a one of a kind cigar customization ecommerce … Read more

On this week’s episode of the Vibrant Leadership Podcast, we speak with attorney, leadership coach, author, and speaker, Arika Pierce. Arika holds a JD from the George Washington University Law School and a BA in political science from Louisiana State University, has had over 15 years of corporate leadership positions, and now works with organizations … Read more

On this week’s episode of the Vibrant Leadership Podcast, we’re joined by Marc Pitman, Founder and CEO of the Concord Leadership Group. Marc has been leading organizations and teams for decades. Like most of us, he has had failures and successes, and these have caused him to study leadership for over 30 years.  “Part of … Read more

On this week’s episode of The Vibrant Leadership Podcast, we speak with Alain Hunkins, CEO of Hunkins Leadership Group. Alain has worked with 2,000 groups of leaders in 25 countries, has over 20 years in leadership training, facilitation, adult learning and development design, and organizational development, and his writing has been featured in Fast Company, … Read more

Our special guest on this week’s episode of the Vibrant Leadership Podcast is Dr. Catherine Rymsha, an expert on leadership and lecturer at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. She holds a Masters of Science in Leadership as well as a Doctorate of Education with a focus on Organizational Leadership from Northeastern University in Boston.  Between … Read more

On this week’s episode of the Vibrant Leadership Podcast, we speak with Brenda Robbins. Brenda earned her MBA from Colorado State University, is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management, or SHRM, holds two designations, the SCP and SPHR, and is currently the HR Manager for Union Power Cooperative in Monroe, North Carolina. … Read more

On this week’s episode of the Vibrant Leadership Podcast, we speak with Shannon Loy, CEO of The Social Ginger. Shannon and her team of social media experts specialize in delivering strategic social media success through consistency and intentional brand content. Shannon and her team guide clients to connect with their local and online community, direct … Read more

We have all have voices in our head. A daily dialogue goes on between the “me” that wants to be vibrant―full of energy, enthusiasm and genius―and the “me” that is apathetic―lifeless, lethargic and dull. This dialogue of the me’s creates serious resistance to the pursuit of doing good. This struggle between doing good and doing bad sucks the energy out of you. If you want to do more good in the world, it’s imperative to shut down that struggle and engage The Six EnergiesTM.

The word PUNCTUATE has two meanings:

  1. To insert marks into the written word to clarify meaning.

  2. To interrupt something at intervals. 

I believe that a “vibrant life” is seriously punctuated!!!

Imagine a rubber band, stretched between your vision for the future and your current reality. When pulled taut, the rubber band tightens, representing the tension between what is and what could be. What does this tension seek? It seeks resolution, or release.